Showing results 1 to 10 out of 15
AT&T Irish Hacks 2018 - Notre Dame
02 Nov - 05:30 PM
Notre Dame, United States
Have an app idea or need an app built?
AT&T Irish Hacks 2018 - Notre Dame is an event produced by the AT&T Developer Program and the University of Notre Dame Association for Computing Machinery chapter that is designed for students (technical & non-technical) to build apps/mobile apps, get fed, compete for prizes across different categories and most importantly: meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects.
Please note that travel compensation will not be provided for this event.
We Supply: Quick presentations and code samples that help to bootstrap your hacking, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. Along with technical mentors to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools.
You Bring: Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team focused mindset and/or team up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the #atthack hashtag. Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech; you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed!
Event Schedule. The following is a list of the weekend's agenda:
5:30PM - Kickoff event with dinner, networking, and developer dating which leads into idea pitches and team formation.
6:00PM - Speakers present
7:00PM - Pitch ideas and form teams
11:00PM - End of the night; Venue will close completely, but you may code offsite.
08:00AM - Doors Open; breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served.
11:00PM - End of the night; Venue will close completely, but you may code offsite.
9:00AM - The fun continues with breakfast served in the morning! Pencils down. Teams must register to present using the link provided on Day 2 by 9:30AM. Mentors will be available throughout the morning to help you prep your presentation. Pitches start promptly at 10AM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team. No powerpoints unless you are only presenting an idea.
10:00AM - Final pitches, promptly followed by judging and winner announcements.
Prizes. The following prizes are experiential and geared towards accelerating you towards a successful business as well as expanding your network and industry knowledge:
Best Overall App, 1st place $2,000
Best Overall App, 2nd place $1,500
Best App from a Woman-Led Team $1,000
Deloitte Prize $500
Pariveda Solutions Prize $500
Best Entertainment Solution $500
Best IoT App $500
CSE Excellence Award
Judging Criteria. Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted evenly.
Originality of idea
Polish / Completeness
Technical Difficulty / Ambitiousness
Resume Book. The hackathon organizers will assemble a resume book for ND student attendees to distribute to the event sponsors (the final sponsor list will be revealed at the event). If you are an ND student, and you would like to have your resume in the book, please login to Go IRISH with your student credentials, search for position ID 762466, and submit your resume to that job posting.
Hackathon Legal
Hackathon terms:
We expect all participants to abide by the Hack Code of Conduct:
Social Media
Follow us, @attdeveloper, for live updates and photos from the event
"Like" us on Facebook!
Pariveda Solutions
AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Boston
05 Oct - 06:00 PM
Boston, United States
Are you interested in entertainment and love to code? Do you have an idea for an app that will disrupt the way we experience, consume or create content?
Then join us on October 5 - 6 for a special Entertainment-themed hackathon produced by the AT&T Developer Program and Berklee College of Music. This event will bring together developers, designers, and creators to hack innovative and disruptive entertainment solutions. You bring the innovative ideas and designs and we'll bring the tech to help you transform them into apps in just 24 hours.
What is an entertainment hackathon? AT&T invites developers, designers, and creators to up-level the way we create and experience entertainment. That entertainment could be a movie, TV series, creator channel, game, sporting event, or other form of content. How would you innovate on the way that content is experienced? This experience could include an improvement in the mobile app viewing experience, adding a second screen like a tablet, or working with technologies like AI, VR/AR/MR, IoT, and robotics to enhance the experience. Consider all scenarios in entertainment such as monetization, social, accessibility, immersion, virtual assistants, usability, e-sports, or whatever your passion.
You Bring...
Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ with #atthack. Whether you are a developer, designer, project manager, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your skills are needed! This event will not feature an onsite team formation component so it's highly suggest you arrive with a team to work.
We Supply...
Quick presentations and code samples that help kick start your hacking, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. We will have technical mentors to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools. We will also have loaner hardware on-site for you to use in your solutions.
Registration and meals: Media Center (in the 150 Mass Ave building)
Plenaries: Multi-Purpose Room (in the 150 Mass Ave building)
Breakout work spaces: 20 Classrooms (in the 150 Mass Ave building)
Event Schedule
The following is a list of the weekend's agenda:
Day 1
5:00PM - Doors open with dinner, networking and developer dating
6:30PM - Kickoff presentation and Featured Speakers (no food in the presentation area)
7:00PM - Pitch idea and form teams
12:00AM - Venue closes for the evening
Day 2
9:00AM - The fun continues with coffee served in the morning! Work with the teams from Day 1 to complete the app spec'd. Mentors will be available throughout the entire day to help you code your solution. App submissions will be accepted throughout the day with a deadline of 4PM.
12:00PM - Lunch is served
4PM - Deadline for team registration (information will be provided onsite)
6:00PM - CODE FREEZE. (No dinner will be served as food is not allowed in the presentation area)
6:30PM - Pitches start promptly at 6:30PM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team. PowerPoint presentations are NOT recommended!
Best Overall Entertainment App
1st Place - $1,000 in Amazon Gift Cards
2nd Place - $500 in Amazon Gift Cards
3rd Place - $250 in Amazon Gift Cards
Best Music or Audio Solution
1st Place - $500 in Amazon Gift Cards
Best Video or Game Solution
1st Place - $500 in Amazon Gift Cards
Judging Criteria
Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted accordingly.
25% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your app does
25% Weight - Originality of idea
25% Weight - Difficulty of the technical implementation
25% Weight - Design and polish of app/solution
Hackathon Legal
All participants under 18 must turn in a consent form signed by their parent or guardian:
Hackathon terms:
We expect all participants to abide by the Hack Code of Conduct:
Social Media
Follow @attshape for live updates and photos from the event
"Like" us on Facebook!
Post your own photos using #atthack
Join the AT&T Boston & Entertainment Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - NYC
10 Aug - 05:00 PM
New York, United States
Over $2,500 in Amazon Gift Cards
Developers, designers, and creators in New York and the tri-state area! Are you interested in entertainment and love to code? If so, the AT&T Developer Program invites you to participate in the AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - New York City. You'll be given 24 hours to imagine, design, and prototype an innovative app that will disrupt the way people experience, consume or create content. Come with your team, or join one at the event. Collaborate and compete for your share of a prize pool of over $2,500 in Amazon gift cards for the best entertainment app, the best next-gen advertising solution, or the best video/game.
Visit the expert tips page to prepare for your hackathon experience!
AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Bay Area
27 Jul - 05:00 PM
Santa Clara, United States
Over $2,500 in Amazon Gift Cards
Developers, designers, and creators in San Francisco and the Bay Area! Are you interested in entertainment and love to code? If so, the AT&T Developer Program invites you to participate in the AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Bay Area. You'll be given 24 hours to imagine, design, and prototype an innovative app that will disrupt the way people experience, consume, or create content. Come with your team, or join one at the event.
Collaborate and compete for your share of a prize pool of over $2,500 in Amazon gift cards for the best entertainment app, the best next-gen advertising solution, or the best video/game.
Enhance your hackathon experience with advice from our expert tips page!
AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Atlanta
18 May - 06:00 PM
Atlanta, United States
Developers, designers, and creators in Atlanta and the South East! Are you interested in entertainment and love to code? If so, the AT&T Developer Program invites you to participate in the AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Atlanta. You'll be given 24 hours to imagine, design and prototype an innovative app that will disrupt the way people experience, consume, or create content. Come with your team, or join one at the event. Collaborate and compete to win prizes for best entertainment app, best next-gen advertising solution, or best video/game.
AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon - Indianapolis
20 Apr - 05:00 PM
Fishers, United States
Have an idea to energize and enhance First Responder technology? Help us make Indiana safer at the IoT Civic Hackathon!
The third annual IoT Civic Hackathon, an event produced by the AT&T Developer Program, invites developers, designers, students and technologists from all over Indiana to build mobile apps and hardware solutions to help better their state or community.
With the availability of 4G LTE, law enforcement, fire, and EMS personnel are finally on a level playing field. With FirstNet – the only communications tool dedicated to providing prioritized connectivity to those who risk everything – they’ll have reliable communication services and access to highly secure data connections. Now they need mobile apps to help them respond to emergencies, fight crime, and make our communities safer.
This is an important market with many opportunities for developers. By hacking for public safety mobile apps and IoT solutions, developers can mature their ideas, get involved in an exciting community, and create something to further the greater social good. So, whether you’re a developer, designer, project manager, or just interested in tech, join us for this event!
You Bring...
Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the #atthack hashtag. Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed!
We Supply...
Quick presentations and code samples that help to bootstrap your hacking, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. We will have technical mentors to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools. We will also have loaner hardware on-site for you to use in your solutions.
AT&T IoT Starter Kit
AT&T IoT Starter Kit (2nd gen)
AT&T IoT Starter Kit (STM 32 LTE-M)
AT&T IoT Starter Kit powered by AWS
AT&T IoT Starter Kit (LTE-M)
Arduino Boards: Sunfounder Super Kit with Uno R3 for Arduino (Documentation)
RobotLinking 37 Sensor Kit
Intel Edison (Documentation) + Grove - Starter Kit Plus Intel IoT Edition
CanaKit Raspberry Pi 2 Complete Starter Kit (Monitor and keyboard NOT included)
Raspberry Pi 2, Model B 1GB, Documentation (Monitor and keyboard NOT included)
Photon Board Maker Kit (Documentation)
Raspberry Pi 3 + Sensors (Monitor and keyboard NOT included)
Equipment Rodeo
Emergency response vehicles and equipment will be on display to inspire and inform hackathon attendees. More importantly, the responders who use this equipment will be on scene to answer questions and provide insight about the daily challenges they face as they work to protect the public and save lives.
Event Schedule
Following is the weekend's agenda:
Day 1
1pm - 4pm: Early Bird Technical Workshops (Launch Fishers, 1150-Room A)
1pm - IBM Watson Workshop
2pm - ESRI GIS Mapping Workshop
3pm - Indiana State Data Workshop
4pm - AT&T FirstNet Workshop
5pm – Public Safety Equipment Rodeo
5pm – Doors open with dinner, networking, and developer dating
7pm – Kickoff presentation and featured speakers
8pm – Team formation exercise
9pm – Technical Workshops (same content as earlier workshops)
9pm - Indiana State Data Workshop (Launch Fishers, 1150-Room A)
9pm - ESRI GIS Mapping (Launch Fishers, 1150-Room B)
10pm - IBM Watson Workshop (Launch Fishers, 1150-Room A)
10pm - AT&T FirstNet M2X Workshop (Launch Fishers, 1150-Room B)
Day 2
8am – The fun continues with coffee and breakfast in the morning @ Launch Fishers. Work with the teams from Day 1 to complete the app spec'd. Mentors will be available throughout the day to help you code your solution. App submissions will be accepted throughout the day with a deadline of 6 p.m.
12pm – Lunch
3pm – TEAM REGISTRATION DEADLINE (information will be provided onsite)
4pm – 1st Round Judging: Judges will visit your team science fair-style and determine finalists
5:30pm – Finalists are notified
6pm – CODE FREEZE. Dinner is served @ IoT Lab
6:30pm – Finalists take the stage for 3 minute pitches
8pm – Final awards & closing comments
Best IoT App
1st place: $2,000
2nd place: $1,000
Best Mobile App
1st place: $2,000
2nd place: $1,000
Best Data App
1st place: $2,000
2nd place: $1,000
More prizes announced soon!
(All prizes fulfilled via Amazon gift cards to be split amongst the team.)
Judging Criteria
25% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your app does
25% Weight - Originality of idea
25% Weight - Technically creative and/or challenging implementation
25% Weight - Applicability to Public Safety theme
Hackathon Legal
Hackathon terms:
We expect all participants to abide by the Hack Code of Conduct:
Social Media
Follow us, @attdeveloper, for live updates and photos from the event
"Like" us on Facebook!
Share your updates and photos from the event by using #atthack and #IoTCivicHack
Ed Davis - Former Commissioner, Boston Police Department
Congresswoman Susan Brooks - U.S. House of Representatives
Chris Penrose - Senior Vice President of IoT Solutions, AT&T
Darshan Shah - Chief Data Officer, State of Indiana
Douglas G. Carter - Superintendent, Indiana State Police
Ed Parkinson - Director of Government Affairs, FirstNet
Ernest Malone - Chief, Indianapolis Fire Department
John McDonald - CEO, Clear Object
Mayor Scott Fadness - City of Fishers
Tom Arkins - Chief of IT & Informatics, Indianapolis EMS
Chris Sambar - Senior Vice President, AT&T FirstNet
Organizers/Gold Sponsors
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click here for sponsorship information. Looking for a custom package? Email
IBM and the IBM logo are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
3/21, 6 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video: A Step-by-step Demonstration" FREE AT&T workshops, Los Angeles
21 Mar - 06:00 PM
El Segundo, United States
See why over 5,500 people have attended AT&T workshops!
Register for the Tue, 1 - 4 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
"Shooting 360 Video: A Step-by-Step Demonstration" uses lecture, live filming demonstrations, and hands-on labs to cover:
- Why 360? - What equipment do you need? - How does producing video in 360 differ from traditional video? - What are the steps and challenges of planning and filming a 360 movie? - How is post production different from standard video? - How do you distribute a 360 video?
In these free 3-hour workshops, Derek Rowe, Instructor for NextGen Interactions, and Director/Producer for Doctrine Creative, demonstrates the creation of a 360 video by stepping through pre-production, production, post and distribution.
When you leave the workshop, you will have a working knowledge of 360 video production and the skills to go out and start producing your own experiences.
RAFFLE! Signed copy of Michael Wohl's The 360° Video Handbook: A step-by-step guide to creating video for virtual reality (VR)
Register for the Tue, 1 - 4 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
Also join us at the free "Humans and Virtual Reality" workshop
Tue, 6 - 9 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop REGISTER HERE
Wed, 1 - 4 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop REGISTER HERE
Derek Rowe, Director/Producer, Doctrine Creative
Derek is a Director/Producer at Doctrine Creative. In that role, he is involved in almost every aspect of the business, from creative direction on each project to marketing to business management.
He has over 10 years’ experience in the digital media industry, growing from a graphic designer to a web designer, a video editor, a film director, and now a virtual reality producer. Derek has worked with Disney, Nickelodeon, TLC, plus many other independent projects. He has produced/directed three feature length films, TV pilots, and for the last two years has been capturing the US National Parks in 360° Video.
Derek is dedicated to producing media that inspires the world and currently believes that immersive media is the most effective medium for bringing about change.
Join the AT&T Los Angeles Tech & Entertainment: Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
And sign up for the AT&T SHAPE newsletter and be the first to know about our upcoming entertainment hackathons, short film competitions and 360 filmmaking workshops across the country.
3/21, 1 p.m. "Humans & Virtual Reality" FREE AT&T workshops, Los Angeles
21 Mar - 01:00 PM
El Segundo, United States
See why over 5,500 people have attended AT&T workshops!
Register for the Tue, 6 - 9 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
“Without a clear understanding of the human side of virtual reality, the experience will always fail.” (Jason Jerald)
Designing for virtual reality is an incredibly complex challenge. When done well, these experiences can be brilliant and pleasurable, but when done badly, they can result in frustration and sickness. In this free 3-hour workshop Jason Jerald, author of The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality and Co-Founder & Principal Consultant of NextGen Interactions, through a combination of use cases and demonstrations will show how users perceive and intuitively interact with various forms of reality, discuss the causes of VR sickness, and demonstrate how to employ useful and pleasing content to create an immersive experience.
When you leave the workshop, you will understand virtual reality from the human experience perspective, allowing you to better create – or simply appreciate – powerful VR applications, whether for entertainment, education, science, healthcare, or the myriad of other uses of this new and exciting technology.
This workshop is for everyone, whether a developer, content creator, filmmaker, or simply someone interested in knowing more about VR.
RAFFLE! Signed copy of Jason Jerald's best seller The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.
Register for the Tue, 6 - 9 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
Also join us at the free "Shooting 360 Video: A Step-by-step Demonstration" workshop
Tue, 1 - 4 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop REGISTER HERE
Wed, 6 - 9 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop REGISTER HERE
Jason Jerald, PhD, Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, NextGen Interactions
Jason Jerald, author of The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, is Co-Founder and Principal Consultant at NextGen Interactions which focuses on VR consulting and contracting services. In addition to primarily focusing on NextGen Interactions and its clients, Jason advises VR companies and is Adjunct Faculty at Duke University. Jason has also served on the ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE Virtual Reality, and IEEE 3D User Interface Committees.
Jason has been creating VR systems and applications for over 20 years. He has been involved in over 70 VR-related projects across more than 40 organizations including Valve, Oculus, Virtuix, Sixense, NASA, General Motors, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, three U.S. national laboratories, and five universities.
He earned a Master and a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from UNC-Chapel Hill with a focus on perception of motion and latency in VR. Jason holds numerous publications, most notably The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.
Join the AT&T Los Angeles Tech & Entertainment: Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
And sign up for the AT&T SHAPE newsletter and be the first to know about our upcoming entertainment hackathons, short film competitions and 360 filmmaking workshops across the country.
3/20, 6 p.m. "Humans & Virtual Reality" FREE AT&T workshops, Los Angeles
20 Mar - 06:00 PM
El Segundo, United States
See why over 5,500 people have attended AT&T workshops!
Register for the Wed, 1 - 4 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
“Without a clear understanding of the human side of virtual reality, the experience will always fail.” (Jason Jerald)
Designing for virtual reality is an incredibly complex challenge. When done well, these experiences can be brilliant and pleasurable, but when done badly, they can result in frustration and sickness. In this free 3-hour workshop Jason Jerald, author of The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality and Co-Founder & Principal Consultant of NextGen Interactions, through a combination of use cases and demonstrations will show how users perceive and intuitively interact with various forms of reality, discuss the causes of VR sickness, and demonstrate how to employ useful and pleasing content to create an immersive experience.
When you leave the workshop, you will understand virtual reality from the human experience perspective, allowing you to better create – or simply appreciate – powerful VR applications, whether for entertainment, education, science, healthcare, or the myriad of other uses of this new and exciting technology.
This workshop is for everyone, whether a developer, content creator, filmmaker, or simply someone interested in knowing more about VR.
RAFFLE! Signed copy of Jason Jerald's best seller The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.
Register for the Wed, 1 - 4 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
Also join us at the free "Shooting 360 Video: A Step-by-step Demonstration" workshop
Tue, 1 - 4 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop REGISTER HERE
Wed, 6 - 9 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop REGISTER HERE
Jason Jerald, PhD, Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, NextGen Interactions
Jason Jerald, author of The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, is Co-Founder and Principal Consultant at NextGen Interactions which focuses on VR consulting and contracting services. In addition to primarily focusing on NextGen Interactions and its clients, Jason advises VR companies and is Adjunct Faculty at Duke University. Jason has also served on the ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE Virtual Reality, and IEEE 3D User Interface Committees.
Jason has been creating VR systems and applications for over 20 years. He has been involved in over 70 VR-related projects across more than 40 organizations including Valve, Oculus, Virtuix, Sixense, NASA, General Motors, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, three U.S. national laboratories, and five universities.
He earned a Master and a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from UNC-Chapel Hill with a focus on perception of motion and latency in VR. Jason holds numerous publications, most notably The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.
Join the AT&T Los Angeles Tech & Entertainment: Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
And sign up for the AT&T SHAPE newsletter and be the first to know about our upcoming entertainment hackathons, short film competitions and 360 filmmaking workshops across the country.
3/20, 1 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video: A Step-by-step Demonstration" FREE AT&T workshops, Los Angeles
20 Mar - 01:00 PM
El Segundo, United States
See why over 5,500 people have attended AT&T workshops!
Register for the Wed, 6- 9 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
"Shooting 360 Video: A Step-by-Step Demonstration" uses lecture, live filming demonstrations, and hands-on labs to cover:
- Why 360? - What equipment do you need? - How does producing video in 360 differ from traditional video? - What are the steps and challenges of planning and filming a 360 movie? - How is post production different from standard video? - How do you distribute a 360 video?
In these free 3-hour workshops, Derek Rowe, Instructor for NextGen Interactions, and Director/Producer for Doctrine Creative, demonstrates the creation of a 360 video by stepping through pre-production, production, post and distribution.
When you leave the workshop, you will have a working knowledge of 360 video production and the skills to go out and start producing your own experiences.
RAFFLE! Signed copy of Michael Wohl's The 360° Video Handbook: A step-by-step guide to creating video for virtual reality (VR)
Register for the Wed, 6- 9 p.m. "Shooting 360 Video" workshop here (sessions are identical so pick the most convenient one)
Also join us at the free "Humans and Virtual Reality" workshop
Tue, 6 - 9 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop REGISTER HERE
Wed, 1 - 4 p.m. "Humans & VR" workshop REGISTER HERE
Derek Rowe, Director/Producer, Doctrine Creative
Derek is a Director/Producer at Doctrine Creative. In that role, he is involved in almost every aspect of the business, from creative direction on each project to marketing to business management.
He has over 10 years’ experience in the digital media industry, growing from a graphic designer to a web designer, a video editor, a film director, and now a virtual reality producer. Derek has worked with Disney, Nickelodeon, TLC, plus many other independent projects. He has produced/directed three feature length films, TV pilots, and for the last two years has been capturing the US National Parks in 360° Video.
Derek is dedicated to producing media that inspires the world and currently believes that immersive media is the most effective medium for bringing about change.
Join the AT&T Los Angeles Tech & Entertainment: Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
And sign up for the AT&T SHAPE newsletter and be the first to know about our upcoming entertainment hackathons, short film competitions and 360 filmmaking workshops across the country.